
Consult Theses held in the Library.

Postgraduate theses

Below are lists of theses available to view in the library organised by award

Consulting Theses

Postgraduate theses held in MTU Kerry Library are available for consultation purposes only and may only be viewed in the library on a short term loan basis (2 hour loan). The same rules apply for theses borrowed on Inter Library Loan.

Theses may only be viewed at the Reference Desk in the North Campus Library .

Copyright Notice

The copyright of a thesis resides with the author. A thesis is made available for consultation on the understanding that the reader will not publish in any form, either the whole or any part of it, without the written permission of the author.

Photocopying, photographing or copying of a thesis by any other means is not permitted.


An increasing number of our theses are now available to view on the SWORD institutional repository