Short Loan Items

Copies of frequently used items, lecture material and laptops are given out on a short term loan.

Short Loan Collection

Copies of frequently used items are kept in the Short Loan Collection. These items are located at the Library Information Desk. Lecturer owned items are also kept at the Library Information Desk in the Course Reserves Collection. Items in both these collections are for use in the library only.

There are a variety of short loan items held behind the Library Information Desk. These are generally for 2 hour loan and cannot be taken from the library.

These are generally for 2 hour or one day loan as advised by the lecturer. The lecturer will also indicate if they can leave the library.

Postgraduate Theses are for 2 hour loan only and are not to be removed from the library under any circumstances. The patron must sign the Postgraduate Theses (research usage) Form before they remove the item from the Library Information Desk.

The Law Reports Collection is located at the Library Information Desk. These items are for 2 hour loan and are library use only.