Undergraduate Students: Getting help / Information skills training

Getting help / Information skills training

If you need assistance finding a book or have any information request or other query about services in the library, then you can always ask a member of Library staff. Staff are always available at the main library desk to offer help and assistance or you can contact us by phone, e-mail and our live chat facility.

Library Skills Training
Library skills training normally takes place once or twice a year for each class group and is booked by your lecturers. Please see our Information Skills  webpage(https://library.ittralee.ie/support/information-skills/) for more details.

Our Academic Liaison Librarians also offer classes tailored to the information needs of your specific course. Our research support webpage(https://library.ittralee.ie/support/research-support/)  offers a detailed overview of the level and scope of training that is available.
Library staff also conduct one-to-one and small group inductions that can be booked by students. You can make an appointment to meet with your Academic Liaison Librarian to discuss your specific information needs. You should also check out our online subject and information guides  which will help you find the books, journals and relevant online information needed for your course.